How does a woman from an Islamic society live?


There are thousands of women living in Islamic societies, most of whom are bound to the home. A lot of these women are married at a very early age with no way to escape. They are forced to bear dozens of children for their husbands, who are often torturous. 

These women are never considered to be a part of their father’s family, they are nothing but a temporary member. The brothers are given much more food, clothes, and toys than the sisters. Reading books, watching cartoons, and traveling to other places is but a dream. 

The lives of these women are perfectly described in Maya Angelou’s poem “Woman Work” and Jan Stallworthy’s poem “Sindhi Woman”. The women in modern Islamic society are forced to do long underpaid jobs and less-dignified work like begging, pimping, etc. About 5 years ago, it was estimated that there are nearly 12 million women who are underpaid laborers, with over three million in urban areas and 8.5 million in rural areas. 

Most women in Islamic states have at least 7 children. As mothers, they always love their offspring more than the fathers. But let me remind you here that a mother was NOT created to be a lifetime unpaid sweeper, unpaid cook, or unpaid caretaker of any house.

The holy Quran says in Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat no: 233: “Upon the father is the mothers’ provision (food) and their clothing according to what is acceptable.” This means that the father of the child should bear the cost of the mother’s food and clothing on a reasonable basis. In Islam, the father is obliged to provide for the expenses of the mother and to buy her clothes, in reasonable amounts usually used by similar women in that area. The father spends within his means in this case. 

The holy Quran says, “No mother should be harmed through her child and no father through his child. And upon the father’s heir is a duty like that of the father. ” It is reported that this Ayah requires the inheritor of the father to spend on the mother of the child, just as the father was spending, and to preserve her rights and refrain from harming her, according to the Tafsir of the majority of the scholars including Mujahid and Qatadah. 

This is how Islam simplifies the life of women. In Islam, even a divorced woman has the right to decent accommodations, and what is reasonable. In verses 6-7 of Surah At-Talaq, the holy Quran says, “when one of you divorces his wife, he should provide a proper house for her until the end of her Iddah period, according to what you have or earn / own . ” Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, and several other scholars said, it refers to « Your ability, your affordability  ». Qatadah said, « If you can bear to allow her in a corner of your house, then you must do so. »
